Success Stories

Success Stories2019-07-04T20:13:51+00:00
2406, 2024


June 2024|Success Stories|

I have been going to Youth QUEST Central since the day after I turned 16. Since then, I’ve been met with kindness, acceptance, and honestly more help than I could ever ask for. Because of this program, I went from being a young, shy kid with no place in the world to a flourishing young adult who can do anything I put my mind to. I got a start on my career, I have gone back to school, and I faced a fear and started counseling. I thank all of the staff and volunteers who have helped me in my journey.

Kyle, 24

2406, 2024


June 2024|Success Stories|

Transitional Housing has given me a supportive and stable living environment and because of this I am graduating high school and applying to a Child and Youth Care Worker program at college. I want to help people break the cycle I have experienced and give them the same opportunities and support that I received here. I also feel that staff keep me accountable and push me to keep moving forward. I think I will soon be ready to move into my own place and be okay.

James, 19

2406, 2024


June 2024|Success Stories|

My Drug Intervention worker holds me accountable for my drinking but does not judge me. I have received good advice on life.

Rachel, 16

2406, 2024


June 2024|Success Stories|

After I was discharged, I called the staff, and they always took the time to talk to me even when I was not doing well.

Annie, 17

2406, 2024


June 2024|Success Stories|

I have become better with my language, anger, and have built a better relationship with my family and I have stayed sober.

Timothy, 15

2406, 2024


June 2024|Success Stories, Uncategorized|

Lancaster staff are the family I never had. They are patient with me and help me trough my struggles. They never give up on me.

Angie, 17

2406, 2024


June 2024|Success Stories|

Since moving into the Main Home two years ago, I’ve been able to find my own identity, and receive the help I need for my mental health. The staff are very supportive and always encourage me to do things that will showcase my talents. The Main home feels like a family setting, and we always have fun.

Matthew, 16

1407, 2023


July 2023|Success Stories|

Transitional Housing was the the best thing that could have happened for me. Through endless support, I learned not only to do basic chores and to take care of my own place, but I also learned how to grow and to develop the strength to get past all of the traumatic events I’ve experienced throughout my life.

Brady, 18

1407, 2023


July 2023|Success Stories|

Seeing my worker every week is amazing, nothing like any other addiction help service I’ve experienced. He picks me up, and takes me for a cup of coffee which makes me feel cared for. My worker helps me feel in control of my own addiction recovery instead of being controlled by it, and that alone is valuable to me.

Sam, 19

1407, 2023


July 2023|Success Stories|

While using the services at Youth QUEST Central I found that everything in my life started to be better. I came here for help with food, but also learned about regulating emotions, coping skills, and how to overcome so much.

Kinley, 18

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