Success Stories

Success Stories2019-10-09T20:02:26+00:00


The staff are all great, everything they do for me makes me feel like I have a home. They take care of me, make sure I have everything I need, give me hugs, and teach me new things like how to fish. I love all of my staff family and I know they’ll always be here to care for and help me.

Danny, 15


The most important thing I learned from Youth Impact was not to be scared to say how I feel and not to just keep my feelings inside all the time. The staff helped me be a better and happier me.

Vincent, 16


I find our time has really helped me learn about what I was going through. I feel a lot better than I did a year ago.  My relationship with my dad is much better and I don’t feel like I need to use drugs as much.

Jon, 18



The staff gave me a home where they like me just the way I am. They support me and help me without making me feel bad about myself. I learned a lot here and wish I could stay until I graduate high school.

Sally, 15


I learned to think positively and always try again and again. You succeed by not giving up and there will be ups and downs, but this is life and I have to fight with life to achieve my goals.

Susan, 16


Youth Impact Jeunesse woke me up in a lot of ways. Mostly about work ethics, job skills, and life in general. Overall, I feel like this is my home because staff are great and respectful which makes me feel very happy and lucky to have some people who care about how I feel and also walk me through my problems without getting frustrated.  I wish I could have stayed longer but someone else needs help like I did, and I hope they enjoyed it and learn and grow as much as I did.  I wouldn’t change anything about Youth Impact Jeunesse because you guys changed me completely. You guys are part of me now, I love you guys!

Jeff, 20

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