Success Stories

Success Stories2019-10-09T20:02:26+00:00


The Drug Intervention Program taught me the difference between drug addiction and poor decisions, to manage my anger better, and better coping skills. Think before you act, say, or do. I learned to be honest and put myself in others’ shoes.

Steven, 19


QUEST Case Management has been a great help with resumes, cover letters, and has given me the strength to put myself out there. Now that I have aged out, I am looking forward to giving back by volunteering at the centre.

Paul, 25


Youth QUEST Central has been like a second home, whether it was coming in for food or mental health support. With their services and guidance, I worked at Hopewell Rocks last summer and it was amazing. I would NOT have been able to do it without them.

Oliver, 22


This year, I graduated from the Impact Learning Centre after 6 years of pulling myself through rough patches and things I never thought I would face. I finally managed to make my goal a reality. The teacher has my highest respect, he has changed me for the better, taught me so much not just the curriculum but made sure I was doing my best and had any help I needed.

William, 23


I have been going to Youth QUEST Central since the day after I turned 16. Since then, I’ve been met with kindness, acceptance, and honestly more help than I could ever ask for. Because of this program, I went from being a young, shy kid with no place in the world to a flourishing young adult who can do anything I put my mind to. I got a start on my career, I have gone back to school, and I faced a fear and started counseling. I thank all of the staff and volunteers who have helped me in my journey.

Kyle, 24


Transitional Housing has given me a supportive and stable living environment and because of this I am graduating high school and applying to a Child and Youth Care Worker program at college. I want to help people break the cycle I have experienced and give them the same opportunities and support that I received here. I also feel that staff keep me accountable and push me to keep moving forward. I think I will soon be ready to move into my own place and be okay.

James, 19


My Drug Intervention worker holds me accountable for my drinking but does not judge me. I have received good advice on life.

Rachel, 16


After I was discharged, I called the staff, and they always took the time to talk to me even when I was not doing well.

Annie, 17


I have become better with my language, anger, and have built a better relationship with my family and I have stayed sober.

Timothy, 15


Lancaster staff are the family I never had. They are patient with me and help me trough my struggles. They never give up on me.

Angie, 17

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